Indonesian Food

Indonesian Food

Kelly and I loved the food in Republic of indonesia. I think of Indonesian as beingness a cousin to Thai food, in the same way that Costa Rican food is like to Mexican food. Almost of the ingredients are the same, but the preparations are slightly different.

Three of the most popular dishes in Indonesia are Mie Goreng, Nasi Goreng, and Chicken Satay. Mie Goreng is a stir fried egg noodle dish with chicken and vegetables with egg on superlative. Information technology reminded united states a bit of Pad Thai merely without the peanuts. Nasi Goreng involves the same ingredients but is made with rice instead of noodles.

Chicken satay is fabricated with pocket-size pieces of craven that are placed on a skewer, cooked, and served with a peanut sauce. It is commonly served with a side of rice. The photo above likewise features small lettuce wraps, and my sis stole a bite earlier I could even have a photograph!

Kelly and I cruel into this pattern of ordering Mie Goreng and Chicken Satay – sometimes for both tiffin and dinner, and swapping plates half way through the meal. I recall information technology is a sister matter to just automatically know yous are always sharing food. I remember that Kelly was also trying to make a game out of stealing nutrient off my plate when I wasn't looking.

Our meals – even at top hotels – nosotros very affordable. Sometimes we paid as little as $11 USD for 2 entrees and ii beers. While beer prices were like to those in the Us, wine and spirits are heavily taxed in Indonesia. If you love wine, you might want to shop at duty-free before you enter Indonesia.

Take you lot tried Indonesian nutrient before? I similar that it tends to be lighter than Thai food. If you are in Chicago, Rickshaw Republic has Mie Goreng, Nasi Goreng, and Chicken Satay on the bill of fare.


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